Tuesday, November 1, 2011

For the Love of Food

This post marks my first as a food blogger. Yep. I am now a food blogger. You may be thinking, you can just call yourself a food blogger? Well, I asked myself that same question when this idea popped into my head while I was scrubbing cooked on, unidentifiable sauce splatter off of someone else's stove listening to a food podcast with a host that possesses a much greater wealth of food and cooking knowledge than I do.

Why in the world would I think that I can write about food and cooking? I clean houses for a living! ...and the common areas in four apartment complexes. My husband, Jason, would be very upset if I forgot to mention the apartment complexes. Obviously he thinks that fact elevates our status as a professional cleaning couple. It's kind of like telling someone you work at McDonald's but forgetting to mention that you're in charge of the fryer, a job I'm sure they don't just hand out to anyone. Not that there's anything wrong with working at McDonald's. I'm the last person that will judge someone for how they make their living and the first to admit that a juicy Quarter Pounder can sure hit the spot sometimes. And, I stress the word sometimes. I love fast food on occasion. I'm just not so keen on type 2 diabetes and cancer.

Jason and I may have a problem with our professional self-esteem but, as with any job you do because you have to, I guess it's commendable that we try to look on the bright side. It only becomes a problem when we convince ourselves that we can't do anything else. And when I say we I mean me. I am notorious for coming up with "fantastic ideas that will absolutely solve my problem of figuring out what I'm going to do with my life and bring me a lifetime of happiness." Some ideas have been so good that I actually start pursuing them and halfway finish them before I realize I'm fooling myself! Wow. I sound very cynical. I'm really not. But, I could write an entire post just listing the ideas and paths I've pursued (which I'll most likely do in the near future). And that's ok. This penchant for ideas is just something I need to recognize and be aware of so I don't waste too much time on the really idiotic ones. I mean, I'm gettin' up there, you know? At 32, I have to be a bit more choosy.

So, you can understand my hesitation when the idea of writing a food blog occurred to me. I went through my normal phases of extreme excitement at the thought of a new idea and extreme doubt in myself at the thought of all the past failures. Then I approached it more rationally and began to work through a list of pros and cons.

Pro: I absolutely love food, cooking and everything related to the subject.  It's all I think about.

Con: I don't have any formal training or area of expertise from which to speak on the matter and sometimes the meals I cook taste shitty.

Pro: My sister just bought me a membership to Top Chef University, an online cooking school with lessons taught by former cheftestants of the show!  What better way to chronicle my cooking adventures than with a food blog?

Con: I don't know if I can write well enough to keep anyone interested in reading what I write. 

Pro: I don't really care if anyone reads my food blog...kind of. I hope they do, but if they don't, I'll still enjoy writing it and that's what really matters. I mean, the number of hits you get doesn't directly relate to your self-worth or anything. Oh God, please, please, please read this blog! I'll die if you don't.

Pro: I can write this blog with my sister! She's already a seasoned blogger and a fantastic writer and I've been wanting to do some kind of a project with her for ages. She's got the time, I've got the time, and she's much more disciplined than I am so she'll keep me on track and accountable (she's the reason I'm writing this post right now), which in turn will make me more productive in my daily life.

Pro: I clean up in the food and drink categories on Jeopardy. For example, Alex Trebek might read, "This enzyme, found in a calves' stomach, is essential in their digestion and the art of cheesemaking."  Then I would scream, "What is rennet, Alex?!  What is rennet?!!" And...I would be right.

Pro: A food blog would be the answer to every problem in my life and set me on the path to a lifetime of happiness.

I have to be honest with you. I decided I was going to write this blog as soon as I had the idea. All this decision-making talk is a sham. I just wanted you to think that I thought things through to give me more credibility. But who am I kidding? This idea was a winner from the moment it was formed...and I've never said that before.

Seriously though, I've never been more excited to meet my sister at B.D.'s Mongolian BBQ to discuss the creation of this wonderful project and eat some food while using their free WiFi. Otherwise, I would never be excited to meet at Mongolian BBQ, because it's gross. I don't even know what I was thinking when I suggested it. As soon as I uttered the words, "Mongolian BBQ has free WiFi. Why don't we meet there?" my stomach dropped and I became inexplicably sad. Sure, it's cheap and they happened to have $1 domestic drafts the day we went. It also has the potential to be healthy. But, my Miller Lite was watery and my plate was filled with an vast assortment of meats and two pea pods because I have no self control and want to get the most out of my one trip to fill my bowl.  I refuse to go multiple times. It's just too much work. And, with my luck, I'll adjust the contents of my first bowl thinking I'm going to be concocting multiple bowls but be too full and depressed after the first bowl to carry out my plan. From the time we sat down at our table to just before our trip the (overheated) soup and (wet lettuce) salad bar (what is it with wet lettuce?!), I sensed an awkward tension between Liz and I. I'm sure the excitement of starting the blog had something to with it but it was soon revealed that we both greatly dislike Mongolian BBQ and had to laugh at the fact that we ended up at one on the very night we were meeting to start a food blog. Oh the irony. 

With the tension sizzling away on that big round grill of theirs, we ate our meals and discussed blog ideas with ease. We did not utilize the free WiFi though and promptly fled to a comfy, laptop-laden independent coffee shop to set up our Blogger account and start designing. The chairs at the high-top table we chose were so uncomfortable they cut off circulation to our legs. But the tea was tasty and the creativity was flowing. A mere two and a half hours later we emerged with a partially designed blog site and a topic for our first post. A mere month and half later...here it is!

Following updates of my food life will be posted much more frequently though, I promise. My hope for this blog is to entertain, inspire and provide you with useful tips and food world news while I chronicle my own journey to becoming a better cook.  There is no food-related subject that does not interest me.  So be prepared to read about anything from nutrition and sustainability to food science, macaroni and cheese and my love of hot dogs.  I am really thrilled to be sharing this project with my sister and can't wait to see where it takes us.  Wherever we end up...we won't be hungry, that's for sure.


  1. I am thoroughly impressed...you are a good writer...entertaining and articulate. However, since I am forever an English teacher, see if you can find the only error you made (one that 99% of the reading public wouldn't notice, but your dad would). Where did you say "I" when you should have said "me"? Doesn't matter to me...I'll love you forever. Love, Mom

  2. to mom...
    leave your red pen at school and teach your grammar course elsewhere. you should be ashamed posting a comment like that on your daughter's blog! red pen this post instead.....Im sure I have produced enough grammatical errors to make your day. love the blog..cant wait for more !!!!
